The Eustis High School garden is an established oasis on the campus, run by the ESE department and harvested by the culinary department. Wish my tomatoes looked that good!
What a great collaboration! And such a beautiful example for others to follow. Their beds and towers are beautifully kept, but were in need of an organized irrigation system.
The ease of installation and multi-functionality of the Mister Landscaper system made the solution simple. Beginning with a layout of the garden, we ran tubing between the beds from one end to the other, connecting tee fittings where needed.
Next, students used their handy hole puncher tools to set the micro-sprays in place. I do love teamwork at its best.
Securing the stake assembly into the poly tubing, we were in business!
Irrigation for the entire garden took less than an hour to set up. If you’ve never used the Mister Landscaper irrigation system, you should give it a try. It’s quite versatile in the garden.
Thanks team! Stay-tuned for more progress. We’ll be adding some weed fabric and white rock between the beds to keep those pesky weeds at bay.